Drug Policies in the 21st Century: Cannabis @Ateneu Barcelonès, free entrance.

Tuesday, 17 November at 19:00: La Rosa Verde at Ateneu Barcelonès.
The Ateneu Barcelonès is conducting a series of debates “Drug Policies in 21st Century” and the session will be dedicated to cannabis.

Participate as speakers:
Oriol Casals, lawyer, program director of the Civil Observatory on Drug Policy and coordinator of the ILP La Rosa Verda,
Jose Carlos Bouso, Doctor of Pharmacology and director of scientific projects ICEERS
Gerardo Cavero, CEO of the Drug Prosecutor in Catalonia.

Moderator: Stefan Rating, putting Section.

A debate with audience participation is intended.
We invite you to attend, Barcelona Ateneu, Barcelona Canuda 6, Sala Oriol Bohigas. Free entrance.
