Resolution of the Parliament of Catalonia on the cannabis consumer associations


On the 29th January 2015 the Parliament of Catalonia approved a resolution that defined the social clubs of cannabis as “non profit associations that supply and distribute cannabis amongst their members, all adults,  for its consumption in a private environment, thus reducing the harms associated with the illegal market and other risky behaviours.”

If you are interested to know more about the  Parliamentary regulatory process in Catalonia and the public health critera approved by the Department of Health you can read the full report of the Observatory:

OBSERVATORIO CIVIL – Proceso de regulación de clubes sociales de cannabis en Catalunya 2014-2015.pdf
674 KB

You can also read the official text of the draft Parliamentary resolution including an explanation of its purpose,  the official text of the resolution approved by the Parliament of Catalonia and  the official text  of the public health criteria approved by the Department of Health in the Government of Catalonia.

BUTLLETÍ OFFICIAL – Proposta de resolució sobre les associacions de consumidors de cànnabis.
498 KB

BUTLLETÍ OFFICIAL – Resolució 932X sobre les associacions de consumidors de cànnabis.pdf
483 KB

DOGC – Resolució SLT322015 Salut Publica.pdf
510 KB